At the same time that information sources focused on business have exploded, our available time for paying attention has shrunk. So too has the number of reliable sources. If you only have time to read one magazine, (online or in print) a month, I recommend Monocle. In the almost ten years that I've been a subscriber it has never failed to inform me, surprise me, and inspire me. It is not based in the U.S., and that's a great benefit. It has a global view with news bureaus around the world. It does also cover what is happening in America, but in the context of what that means on the world stage. Monocle has relationships and access to not just an astonishing variety of business and government leaders at the highest levels around the world, but it also focuses on the entreprenuers that are challenging the status quo and exploring new ways forward in exciting and sustainable ways. February 2024 is an "Ideas Special", and there's a feature on the displacement of small booksellers on the banks of the Seine River in Paris due to the arrival of the Olympics there this summer. Did you know that there's a new net-zero fire station in Edmonton, Alberta Canada? I challenge you to find more comprehensive retail, hospitality, or travel news too. In the December/January 2023/2024 Soft Power Special Issue there is an entire special section titled, "The nicest (and toughest) nations in the world", : plus, they devote an entire section, not just a spread to Iowa; they refer to it as the Midwest state on the rise. There's a lot more to Monocle than just a magazine, to learn more visit their website.
